Infrared Thermography Certification

Our internationally recognized certifications represent the gold-standard in IR training.

  • Learn from expert instructors

  • Discover industry best practice camera operation techniques

  • Avoid common new-user mistakes

  • Improve safety, enhance reliability, and prolong asset lifespan

Why Get Certified?


Certification demonstrates the required knowledge and skills to provide a quality inspection to an established standard


Operate an infrared camera effectively, apply best practice inspection techniques, and ensure accurate collection of high-quality data.


Identify issues before they become critical, avoid potential injury, unplanned downtime, expensive repairs, or excessive emissions.

Certification Levels

New and Experienced

Level I

Level I thermographers are typically new to infrared thermographic diagnostics but that doesn't imply that they are entry-level condition monitoring technicians; many Level I professionals actually have years of experience in building and maintaining complex systems.

Level I thermographers generally follow a written test procedure to evaluate specific types of equipment in their facility. They use their infrared cameras and software to identify and measure thermal anomalies based on thermal patterns, comparisons with similar equipment, and their own experience.


Level II

Level II certification is for experienced, professional thermographers and troubleshooters. A Level II thermographer typically deploys more than one diagnostic technology to determine the root cause of a problem and recommend repairs. Because of their more advanced IR training, Level II thermographers are qualified to provide technical direction to Level I certified personnel.


Level III

This is the most advanced infrared training level available. A Level III thermographer is primarily a thermography program manager who writes the company's written predictive maintenance/inspection practices, develops the test procedures and severity criteria, determines how often equipment should be inspected, and calculates the return on investment the thermography program is providing.


What others have to say about our trainings

I wanted to express my thanks for not only teaching the material but expressing a genuine interest in the questions that were presented to you. The class was excellent, and you guys made it easy and enjoyable to learn the material.

Image of M. P.

M. P.

Online Certification class

Thank you for doing such a great job with the OGI 1 Training course. This is one of the most interesting courses I have attended with both content and the great job you did with instruction!

Image of R. C.

R. C.

Optical Gas Imaging Certification class

Thank you for the great training. I found it very informative. After performing thermal imaging for a year and a half, it was nice to understand the "whys" of IR and not just do it like this because that's how I was trained.

Image of A. M.

A. M.

Level I Electrical Certification class

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